Frequently Asked Questions About Liens And Your Worker's Comp

Posted on: 17 January 2020

If you have been injured on the job during the course of your scope of employment, you may be able to file a worker's compensation case. There are many terms that you may come across during the course of your case. One such term is liens. Here are a few of the questions you may have about liens and your worker's comp case.

What Is a Lien? 

A lien is basically a bill that is attached to your worker's compensation case. Instead of coming after you for the money right now, the provider is agreeing to wait until your case settles to recoup the money that they may be owed for services rendered to you. 

What Types of Liens are Common with Worker's Comp Cases? 

When it comes to workers' comp cases, there are various types of liens that are common. If you were transported to the hospital via an ambulance after the accident, the ambulance company may place a lien against your case. Medical providers may place liens against your case, rather than charging you per appointment. Finally, accident experts or recreationists can place liens against your case for the services they may provide to help show how or why the accident happened.

How Are Liens Paid Back from a Worker's Comp Case?

Once your case settles or an award is granted from a judge or jury, the liens on your case are paid back prior to your attorney or yourself getting any money. The insurance company paying out the settlement or award will typically wait 30 days after the conclusion of a case for final liens to be calculated and come in. They will then cut a check to those parties. Any amount that is left over will then be paid to you and your attorney. 

What Happens to a Lien If You Do Not Win Your Case? 

If you do not win your case, the lien party can then take collection action against you for reimbursement. Filing a lien against your case does not mean that they are giving up their right to seek payment from you do not win your case. 

A worker's compensation attorney can assist you if you have been injured on the job. They can help you to file your case, help you to recoup the most amount of money as possible, and answer any questions you may have, such as those related to liens. Contact an attorney today if you have not already retained one following a work accident that left you injured.

For more information, contact a law firm like Prediletto, Halpin, Scharnikow & Nelson, P.S.
