Are You Being Prosecuted For Embezzlement After An Accounting Error?
Being an accountant for a large corporation can be a difficult situation. This fact is particularly true if you make a mistake that somehow costs your company money. In some instances, you may be pursued for embezzlement! Thankfully, it is possible to win this kind of case. An Error May Be Interpreted As Embezzlement While errors and embezzlement often seem the same to your company, they obviously differ in many ways. [Read More]
Some Things To Know About Criminal And Civil Courts
If you have been wronged by someone you might be wondering what steps you should take to make sure that justice is served. In some cases the person has committed a crime and that crime harmed you. You might wonder what you can do to ensure that you get what you are owed and that the state convicts them of a crime. Here are some things you need to know about difference in criminal and civil court. [Read More]
4 Reasons You May Need A Special Education Lawyer
If you have a child with special needs, this may present some challenges at times. Agreeing with all aspects of the schooling your kid receives may not be possible to do daily. It may be necessary to consult with an attorney to take legal action in various situations. Being aware of some of the reasons you could need a special education attorney may be helpful to you. Reason #1: Complex case [Read More]
The Free Will To Trust Your Estate Lawyer: Getting Certain Documents For Free
Wills and trusts are important aspects of your estate and your financial planning. You can amass as much as you want, but you can never take it with you. Thankfully, you have the free will to decide who gets what after your passing, but you need trust in your estate lawyer. You also want certain documents for free; is that possible? Here is more on that. Confidentiality Establishes Trust To create a trust, you must establish trust in your lawyer's ability to remain hush-hush. [Read More]
How To Deal With Holiday Induced Domestic Violence Incidents
During the holiday season, it is not unusual to see a rise in domestic incidents. Domestic violence incidents arise in even the happiest of homes during this time of year. Stress levels can increase due to a number of factors, including family feuds or having too much to drink. The following are some things to keep in mind if tempers flare and result in domestic violence this holiday season: Reasons for Domestic Violence Arrests [Read More]
Considering An Open Adoption? 3 Steps That Will Help You Avoid Problems As The Adoptive Parents
Years ago, open adoptions didn't exist. In fact, once the adoption was finalized, the birth parents melted into the background and had more further contact with their child, or the adoptive parents. A lot has changed since then. Now that open adoption is more acceptable, birth parents have more access to the children they put up for adoption. Open adoption doesn't come without its difficulties though. If you're in the process of adoption, and you've agreed to an open adoption, you'll need to be prepared for the long haul, especially if you're the adoptive parents. [Read More]
Will Bankruptcy Lead To Losing Your Home Or Car?
One of the concerns that people have when filing for bankruptcy is whether they get to keep their homes and cars. When you file for bankruptcy, there is a possibility that you could lose some of your assets. Whether your car or home is one of those lost assets depends on certain factors. If you are planning to file, here is what you need to know about keeping your home or car. [Read More]
Defenses And Mitigating Factors To Discuss With Your DUI Attorney
Have you been arrested on DUI charges and now face the serious consequences of a conviction? If so, you are justly stressed. The courts are taking driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs much more seriously than in the past. Gone are the days when you could walk away with a mere slap on the wrist or a warning, it seems. Pressure groups have understandably worked hard to compel judges to hand out harsh penalties. [Read More]
How To Divorce When One Of You Owns A Business
During the divorce process, the attitude of spouses towards each other becomes more self-protective. What was considered as "one" instantly becomes "50:50." In practical terms, however, the properties and financial resources are not automatically divided in half. It gets more complicated than that. This is especially true when one of you owns a business. Your divorce attorney guides you in these checkpoints of the divorce process when one of you owns a business. [Read More]
Damaged Knees: How To Determine If It Is Work-Related Or Just Old Age
Jobs that require you to spend several hours kneeling on hard surfaces may lead to damaged knees. The knees are not meant to kneel on cement, concrete, or any other hard flooring for years at a time. It forces the the connective tissues in your knees to weaken and eventually snap. It also causes the bones and synovial fluid behind your knee caps to grind and decrease respectively. So, if your knees are bad and you need surgery now, how do you determine if this is work-related, or just old age? [Read More]