Multiple Parties Might Be At Fault For A Guardrail Spearing Accident

Posted on: 10 March 2021

Guardrails are meant to protect motorists by preventing them from straying into dangerous areas, but there are some circumstances where motorists may actually become injured by guardrails. A guardrail spearing is when the edge of the guardrail goes through a car's windshield and is often fatal. If you survive a guardrail spearing and are severely injured, you are not necessarily at fault for the accident. Guardrail Spearing Injuries Guardrails can lead to all sorts of injuries including broken bones, head injuries, neck and spine injuries, and paralysis. [Read More]

3 Lists To Take When You See Your Divorce Lawyer

Posted on: 8 February 2021

When you are getting a divorce, you want to make sure that you are getting everything you are entitled to and everything you will need to live after the divorce goes final. To ensure that you get everything you need, you need to have an attorney help you out. Before you go in and see your attorney for the first time, you should write up some lists that you can give to your attorney. [Read More]

Medical Malpractice Law Covers More Than Procedures

Posted on: 11 January 2021

When folks think about medical malpractice, they often picture a doctor messing up a procedure. Although a medical malpractice law firm would certainly consider taking on that kind of case, they can help in many other ways. Take a look at four other kinds of cases that are covered by this field of law. 1. Prescriptions Most medical work isn't dominated by the stereotype of cutting people open and working on the body's insides. [Read More]

Whiplash Is A Car Accident Injury You Should Seek Guidance About

Posted on: 8 December 2020

Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries, but all too many people do not realize the symptoms they experience until much later. Whiplash can start out as minor neck pain and then become much worse. Unfortunately, many people do not report their symptoms or seek guidance from a medical professional or lawyer until it is too late. Have you been in a car accident? Do you think you may have whiplash or similar injuries? [Read More]