Using Mediation As Part Of Your Divorce Process

Posted on: 20 July 2023

Divorce is a challenging and life-altering process that many individuals find themselves navigating. Understanding the divorce process can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty that comes with it. What Is The Role Of Mediation In Divorce? Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method commonly used in divorce cases. It involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who facilitates communication between divorcing spouses to reach mutually acceptable agreements. [Read More]

What Do You Do If Your Company Is Sued By A Patent Troll?

Posted on: 12 June 2023

In polite terms, a company that buys up a lot of patents without any intention to create anything or actually use them is called a "non-practicing entity" or NPE.  In less polite terms, those companies are called "patent trolls." They generally exist solely to make money through litigation, accusing companies of using their patents without permission, even if the patents are vague or questionable. The goal of a patent troll is to force the accused company to pay them money to avoid a costly lawsuit — and they're often very successful. [Read More]

Own A Construction Company? What To Add To Your Contracts To Avoid Construction Litigation

Posted on: 6 June 2023

When you work in construction, disputes will arise from time to time. Without the right steps, disputes can end up in litigation. Unfortunately, litigation can be costly for your company. That's why you need to work hard to avoid litigation. There are steps you can take to resolve construction disputes before they head to court. One way is to include dispute resolution in your contracts. There are several dispute resolution tactics to include in every construction contract. [Read More]

How A Bankruptcy Lawyer Can Help You Through Bankruptcy

Posted on: 17 April 2023

In the year 2022, 387,721 households filed for bankruptcy. While down from the previous years due to federal assistance after the recent pandemic, bankruptcies are expected to increase as the benefits end. If you suspect that bankruptcy can end the threatening correspondences from financial institutions and restore your financial health, you should enlist the services of a bankruptcy lawyer to help you through the process. Learn more about how a bankruptcy lawyer can help you through your bankruptcy. [Read More]