How To Divorce When One Of You Owns A Business

Posted on: 7 September 2017

During the divorce process, the attitude of spouses towards each other becomes more self-protective. What was considered as "one" instantly becomes "50:50." In practical terms, however, the properties and financial resources are not automatically divided in half. It gets more complicated than that. This is especially true when one of you owns a business. Your divorce attorney guides you in these checkpoints of the divorce process when one of you owns a business. [Read More]

Damaged Knees: How To Determine If It Is Work-Related Or Just Old Age

Posted on: 2 September 2017

Jobs that require you to spend several hours kneeling on hard surfaces may lead to damaged knees. The knees are not meant to kneel on cement, concrete, or any other hard flooring for years at a time. It forces the the connective tissues in your knees to weaken and eventually snap. It also causes the bones and synovial fluid behind your knee caps to grind and decrease respectively. So, if your knees are bad and you need surgery now, how do you determine if this is work-related, or just old age? [Read More]

Mistakes To Avoid After A Car Accident

Posted on: 23 August 2017

A car accident is never any fun, but it can be even more frustrating if you have to take the insurance companies to court to get the settlement that is rightfully yours. You don't want to make any mistakes, so read through this article to find out what to avoid. Don't: Ignore evidence right after the accident Instead: Work to preserve evidence from the scene of the accident. Fortunately, most people nowadays will have a camera right in their pocket—their phone! [Read More]

Act Fast! Immediate Actions After A Car Accident

Posted on: 12 August 2017

If you've been hit by a careless driver, you should know that time is of the essence when it comes to proving your case and getting adequate compensation. While your shock and trauma about the wreck is understandable, valuable evidence could be escaping while you are procrastinating about taking action against the at-fault driver. Whether you are able to take care of these tasks yourself, or you ask a trusted friend or family member to assist you, make sure that you don't waste time getting started on any of the following. [Read More]