Three Ways Workers' Comp Coverage For Minors Differs From Adults

Posted on: 20 April 2017

Although the labor laws treat minors differently than adults, they must be covered by workers' compensation all the same. In fact, the insurance coverage provides additional protections for workers under the age of 18. Here are three ways workers' compensation for minors differs from adults and how that may affect a claim for benefits. Illegal Employment All states have laws regulating at what age minors can legally start working, and some require teens obtain work permits before they can be employed. [Read More]

Is Arbitration Right For Your Personal Injury Case?

Posted on: 19 April 2017

In a personal injury case, there are several routes you and the insurance company can take to reach a settlement. One option is to let an arbitrator decide how the case should be decided. If you are thinking of agreeing to arbitration, here is what you need to know.   Is Arbitration Similar to Mediation? One of the misconceptions about arbitration is that it is similar to mediation. In reality, the only similarity between mediation and arbitration is that the case is heard by a paid professional, such as an arbitrator or mediator, and not a judge. [Read More]

Getting A DUI While Under The Drinking Limit

Posted on: 19 April 2017

So, you are the type of person to take a few drinks and then get behind the wheel, thinking it will be fine. After all, the normal legal limit is 0.08 percent, right? A drink here or there, spread out over time causes no harm, you believe. During a traffic stop, you will be cool and calm, passing a breathalyzer test with flying colors. These sorts of assumptions can get you into serious trouble. [Read More]

Injured On-The-Job? 4 Steps To Protect Your Rights To Worker's Compensation

Posted on: 19 April 2017

If you've been injured on the job, you can't afford to make mistakes, especially since even a small one can spell disaster for your worker's compensation claim. From the moment you're injured, your rights to worker's compensation benefits depend on the decisions you make and the steps you take. Here are four important tips that will help protect your rights following an on-the-job accident. File an Official Report If you've been injured at work, you need to file an official accident report as soon as possible – even if you've already informed someone verbally. [Read More]