At What Point Do You Need A Sexual Harassment Attorney For A Workplace Claim?

Posted on: 29 June 2016

Many victims of sexual harassment hesitate to involve the law in their case, especially after being repeatedly ignored or even punished by their employers. The fear of retaliation or public humiliation is often enough to suppress the voices of those who need representation most, but there should be no shame in seeking justice when a crime has been committed against you. These are four signs that your sexual harassment claim needs to escalate into a legal one. [Read More]

3 Things You Need to Know About Getting Spousal Support in Alberta

Posted on: 27 April 2016

If you are getting divorced in Alberta, you might be considering including a request for spousal support in your initial court filings. Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be requested by both men and women. However, its original purpose was to support women who did not work during a marriage, so they could have an income after a divorce. While it is not as common for a judge to order spousal support today as it was in the past, due to new expectations of adults of both genders being able to support themselves, it can still sometimes be obtained. [Read More]

Can You Sue if Your Child Drowns in Someone's Pool?

Posted on: 15 October 2015

Losing a child is never easy to deal with, but a sudden loss due to a tragic event can make this even harder. If your child recently drowned in someone's swimming pool, you might be able to sue the pool owner. While this will not bring your child back, it will hold the pool owner responsible for the event. In order to win a case like this, you will need to prove the pool owner was negligent. [Read More]

The Morning After A Shotgun Wedding: Can You Seek An Annulment?

Posted on: 3 September 2015

Falling head over heels in love can make you act in impulsive ways that may involve extremely poor decision-making. Some couples who find themselves married after a whirlwind, short-lived romance, wake up the day after their nuptials horrified that they are hitched. One way to rectify this unfortunate situation is to get the marriage annulled. If you find yourself regretting your wedding within days of getting married, the following guide can help you figure out if you can pursue an annulment to invalidate your legal bond. [Read More]